About Us
We take cleaning and maintenance services seriously.
Tampa Professional Cleaning Services has been in operation since 2006 owned and managed by "TICA QUALITY CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE, LLC.", and owned and operated by Maria Rodriguez, resident of the Greater Tampa Bay Area, Florida. Maria is a single mother of four children. (TICA is actually the first letter of each of her children's name!) She began the business back in 2006 with a dire need to provide more income for her family to make ends meet. She was first hired by one private homeowner for general cleaning and as time went on, her cleaning business thrived from so many referrals. By 2007, she was cleaning for many private owners, Property Managers, Realtors, Vacation Rentals, and Commercial businesses. Fast Forward 15 years and from her humble beginnings, Maria turned her cleaning services into the business it is today. As her company grew, so did the requests from her exclusive clientele for specialized cleaning and maintenance services. One of the attributes that make her and her team stand out amongst their competitors is their eye for detail, integrity and good character.
Maria along side two of her daughters run the business with pride in their work and have proven that growing a business from one referral to the next is the most effective way to grow a business. That being said, they have never advertised yet have thrived successfully thanks to their beloved clientele who know that when it comes to detailed cleaning and/or efficient maintenance work, they know who to call!
"...we finally found a company that we can trust to take care of every detail when it comes to cleaning and maintenance..." - Hands In Motion Music School, Tampa, Florida
"...I have a very busy work week and very little time to keep my house in order and clean...so I was looking for someone that could do housework once a week without me having to be there to open up the house or to worry about security. Its been over 7 years and I am so happy with Maria and her company. I love how well she cleans my house! I also have her cleaning my elderly mother's house since I know that I can trust her. "
-NB, Brandon, Florida